
Clinical Particulars
Gabapentin is a structural analogue of the inhibitory neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid ([GABA]) with analgesic, anticonvulsant and anxiolytic activity.
Mechanism of Action
Presumed MOA: The precise mechanism through which gabapentin exerts its therapeutic effects is unclear. Gabapentin binds with and inactivates presynaptic alpha2delta subunits of the voltage-gated calcium channels. Excitatory neurotransmitter release reduces through decreased calcium influx (e.g., reduction in substance P, glutamate, and norepinephrine). Gabapentin is not a GABA agonist and does not appear to alter GABA binding, reuptake, or degradation.
Clinical Applications
Neuralgia and Peripheral Neuropathic Pain: Adjunctive therapy in managing some forms of assumed neuropathic pain: Growing veterinary popularity for use in cats, dogs and rabbits.
Chronic Pain: Use usually multimodal in conjunction with other medications (typically NSAIDs or opioids). It has been speculated that Gabapentin may also be a beneficial adjunctive treatment for OA.
Post-surgical Pain: When used during surgery, Gabapentin has demonstrated isoflurane MAC reduction in dogs and cats.
Anxiolytic: Gabapentin has been used in cats and dogs to decrease fear responses and anxiety associated with transport and veterinary examinations, often alongside additional agents such as Trazodone.
Anticonvulsant: Other authorised medications may be more suitable for major pet species.
Limited: Negligable metabolism occurs.
Urinary: Gabapentin is eliminated solely in the urine as an unchanged drug.
Adverse Effects
CNS Depression: The most commonly encountered adverse effects are mild sedation, dysphoria and ataxia. Somnolence, ptyalism and nausea are also possible.
Gastrointestinal Signs: Gastrointestinal irritation is occasionally reported.
Species-Specific Adverse Effects: No species-specific adverse effects have been identified.
Hypersensitivity: Avoid use in animals with known hypersensitivity to the drug or its ingredients.
Behavioural Issues: Gabapentin should be used with caution in patients with behavioural disturbances.
Renal Disease: Use with caution or reduce the dose if renal function is significantly impaired (IRIS stage 2+).
Reproductive Safety
Pregnancy: Avoid Use; Evidence of fetotoxicity in Rodents and Rabbits (Fetal loss or delayed ossification of bones in the skull, vertebrae, forelimb and hind limbs)
Lactation: Avoid Use; Gabapentin distributes into milk following oral administration.
Fertility: Avoid Use. Fertility rate and other parameters concerned with fertility, sex hormones and specific biochemical profiles were significantly disturbed in male rats (Daoud et al., 2004).
Potentially Significant Interactions
Antacids: Absorption is reduced when concurrent antacids are used, especially those containing aluminium with magnesium. Some authors recommend that Gabapentin be taken at least 2 hours after the administration of any Antacid.
Cimetidine: May reduce Gabapentin clearance
Ketamine: Ketamine and Gabapentin may work synergistically to provide analgesia
Morphine: May increase Gabapentin levels
Tramadol: Tramadol and Gabapentin may work synergistically to provide analgesia.
Prevalence: Reported toxicity is rare within clinical settings. Gabapentin appears clinically safe in cats, dogs and rabbits when used following the advised dosage protocols.
Expected Signs: Sedation, akinesia and ataxia, lack of muscle coordination, tremors, ptyalism, diarrhoea and vomiting, lethargy, irregular or laboured breathing, loss of consciousness.
Mechanism: Excessive CNS depression at the various sites of gabapentin action within the brain.
Species Specific Information: Limited; No data located
Clinical Response: Active decontamination. Response to a significant oral overdose may include emesis, activated charcoal, cathartics and intravenous fluids to accelerate elimination.
Antidotes: None identified
Reversal Agents: Gabapentin appears devoid of any reversal agent. Alpha-adrenergic pressor agents (e.g., norepinephrine, phenylephrine, not epinephrine) can be considered in severe hypotension.
Co-administered Agents: Consider Reversal. Avoid reversal of analgesia agents and anaesthetics unless provision is made to support any critical patient.
Gabapentin Oral Capsules and Tablets: 100, 300, and 400 mg capsules; 600 and 800 mg tablets
Gabapentin Oral Solution: 250 mg/5 ml (50 mg/ml) ( ensure products are devoid of additional active ingredients)
Systematic IUPAC Name: 2-[1-(aminomethyl)cyclohexyl]acetic acid
Chemical Formula: C9-H17-NO2
Pharmacotherapeutic Group: Nervous system; Analgesic
ATC vet code: N02BF01
Evidence Base
Benarroch, E.E., 2021. What Is the Mechanism of Therapeutic and Adverse Effects of Gabapentinoids? Neurology 96, 318–321.
Berg, K., 2018. Therapeutic Review: GABAPENTIN. Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine 27, 78–81.
Beydoun, A., Uthman, B.M., Sackellares, J.C., 1995. Gabapentin: pharmacokinetics, efficacy, and safety. Clin Neuropharmacol 18, 469–481.
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Bockbrader, H.N., Wesche, D., Miller, R., Chapel, S., Janiczek, N., Burger, P., 2010. A Comparison of the Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Pregabalin and Gabapentin. Clin Pharmacokinet 49, 661–669.
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Cheng, J.-K., Chiou, L.-C., 2006. Mechanisms of the Antinociceptive Action of Gabapentin. J Pharmacol Sci 100, 471–486.
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