
Sensitive Infections
5-30 mg/kg, IV/IM/ SC, q24h
Dosing Interval: Amikacin is a concentration-dependent antimicrobial, and increased efficacy and decreased toxicity are proposed when higher doses are administered less frequently. Where renal sensitivity is a consideration, increase the dosing frequency to q36h or q48h (Matsumoto et al., 1982; Mayers et al., 1991; Staneva et al., 1994).
Hydration: Animals should remain well hydrated through treatment, and intravenous fluids are recommended in debilitated patients where practical.
1 Species-Specific Evidence Review
Akutsu, S., Samura, K., Shimamura, T., Matsumoto, H., Fukushima, Y., Asano, M., Komatsu, H., Matsuzaki, M., 1982. [Toxicological study of amikacin following intravenous drip infusion. 2. Subacute toxicity in dogs after intravenous injection]. Jpn J Antibiot 35, 2069–2099.
Buyniski, J.P., Bierwagen, M.E., 1975. Comparative effects of kanamycin and amikacin on aortic blood pressure, cardiac rate and surface electrocardiogram in the conscious dog. Res Commun Chem Pathol Pharmacol 11, 327–330.
Clark, C.H., 1977. Toxicity of aminoglycoside antibiotics. Mod Vet Pract 58, 594–598.
Gerding, D.N., Kromhout, J.P., Sullivan, J.J., Hall, W.H., 1976. Antibiotic penetrance of ascitic fluid in dogs. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 10, 850–855.
KuKanich, B., Coetzee, J.F., 2008. Comparative pharmacokinetics of amikacin in Greyhound and Beagle dogs. J Vet Pharmacol Ther 31, 102–107.
Ling, G.V., Conzelman, G.M., Franti, C.E., Ruby, A.L., 1981. Urine concentrations of gentamicin, tobramycin, amikacin, and kanamycin after subcutaneous administration to healthy adult dogs. Am J Vet Res 42, 1792–1794.
Nakamura, K., Akutsu, S., Matsumoto, H., Samura, K., Nakata, Y., Asano, M., Hirata, A., Ishikawa, H., Matsuzaki, M., 1982. [Toxicological study of amikacin following intravenous drip infusion. 1. Acute toxicity in rats, rabbits and dogs, and subacute toxicity in rabbits]. Jpn J Antibiot 35, 2048–2067.
2 Condition-Specific Evidence Review
3 Substance-Specific Evidence Review
5.1 UK SPC Links
5.2 Additional Material Consulted
5.4 Expert Opinion(s)
McArthur, S., 2024. Extrapolating pharmacological properties in man and veterinary species. Expert opinions derived from clinical experience, personal communications and the reputable texts listed in 5.2 were employed in data collation.
Monograph Details
Analysis Criteria
Species: Canine
Active Substance: Amikacin
Indication: Sensitive Infections
Dosing Suggestion: 15-30 mg/kg, IV/IM/ SC, q24h
Consensus Resources
Reference Management: Zotero
Consensus Team
Monograph Author(s): S McArthur B Vet Med MRCVS (25/11/2024)
Monograph Editor(s): TBA
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