
Neuropathic Pain
Oral: An ideal time to administer Gabapentin is before feeding.
UK Availability: Gabapentin is administered orally as a capsule, tablet, or compounded liquid, with or without food.
Sole Use: As the ability to diagnose and monitor neuropathic pain is unclear, sole use is not yet advised. Use without additional agents with known analgesic benefits may leave the patient in unacceptable pain.
Multimodal Use: As neuropathic pain is challenging to diagnose and may accompany other forms of pain, it is common for additional agents to be used alongside Gabapentin in a subjective, case-by-case manner. These include NSAIDs, opiates and additional adjuvant analgesic agents such as amantadine. The evidence for multimodal use is weak/absent.
Treatment Goals: Reduction in clinical signs associated with neuropathic pain, reduction of pain, and improved speed of patient recovery.
Treatment Endpoints: Undefined.
Efficacy Profile: Undefined; No data located compares the benefit of Gabapentin as a combined analgesic to other analgesia agents or a combination of analgesics in canine neuropathic pain.
Adverse Effects and Contraindications
Adverse Effects Profile: Adverse effects of Gabapentin can include sedation and ataxia and are more likely when administered at higher dosages or when combined with other drugs that produce similar adverse effects.
Pregnancy: Avoid use as there is evidence of fetotoxicity in Rodents and Rabbits (Prakash et al., 2008), but little evidence of adverse effects in humans (Fujii et al., 2013).
Lactation: Avoid use. Gabapentin is distributed into milk following oral administration.
Male Fertility: Avoid use as there is evidence of impaired fertility in rats (Daoud et al., 2004).
Female Fertility: Assumed to be safe. No evidence suggesting that female fertility is affected by exposure to gabapentin was found (Fujii et al., 2013).
Alternative Products and Protocols
Alternative Products: NSAIDs, opiates and additional adjuvant analgesic agents such as amantadine.
Alternative Protocols: PK/PD data suggests that eight hourly (8h) dosing is more likely to be effective than 12h or 24h dosing for the relief of persistent neuropathic pain (KuKanich and Cohen, 2011; Radulovic et al., 1995; Vollmer et al., 1986).
Monograph Status
Pilot Monograph: No editorial review has ocurred.
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CM/SM | Chiari-like Malformation and Syringomyelia
Hechler, A.C., Moore, S.A., 2018. Understanding and Treating Chiari-like Malformation and Syringomyelia in Dogs. Topics in Companion Animal Medicine 33, 1–11.
Loughin, C.A., 2016. Chiari-like Malformation. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice, Congenital Abnormalities of the Skull, Vertebral Column, and Central Nervous System 46, 231–242.
Moore, S.A., 2016. Managing Neuropathic Pain in Dogs. Front Vet Sci 3, 12.
Plessas, I.N., Rusbridge, C., Driver, C.J., Chandler, K.E., Craig, A., McGonnell, I.M., Brodbelt, D.C., Volk, H.A., 2012. Long-term outcome of Cavalier King Charles spaniel dogs with clinical signs associated with Chiari-like malformation and syringomyelia. Vet Rec 171, 501.
Plessas, I.N., Volk, H.A., Rusbridge, C., Vanhaesebrouck, A.E., Jeffery, N.D., 2015. Comparison of gabapentin versus topiramate on clinically affected dogs with Chiari-like malformation and syringomyelia. Veterinary Record 177, 288–288.
Rusbridge, C., Jeffery, N.D., 2008. Pathophysiology and treatment of neuropathic pain associated with syringomyelia. The Veterinary Journal 175, 164–172.
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Supplementary Information
Gabapentin 300mg Capsules | SPC | Accessesed 02/01/23: Online Version | Print Version |
Gabapentin Glenmark 50 mg/ml Oral Solution | SPC | Accessesed 02/01/23: Online Version: | Print version: (
Expert Opinion
1317822 Canine: Extrapolation of pharmacological properties in man and veterinary species. Some material employed in collating the data displayed here was taken from veterinary product datasheets or extrapolated from pharmacology texts.